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Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching   

Dan Finkel • TEDxRainier
"Mathematical mis-education is so common, we can hardly see it."

"Without mathematical literacy, their career opportunities shrink and they become easy prey for credit card companies, payday lenders, the lottery, and anyone who wants to dazzle them with a statistic."

"When we're not comfortable with math, we don't question the authority of numbers."

"Teach kids that not knowing is not failure, it's the first step to understanding."

Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Learning Maths!   

Conrad Wolfram • WISE Channel
"We don't want students to be third-rate computers, we want them to be first-rate problem solvers."

"The subject of mathematics changed in the outside world because computers did the calculating; it now needs to change in education as well to mimic the real world."

"One thing that doing computer-based maths allows us to achieve is reordering the curriculum. Right now the curriculum is ordered by computational complexity – how hard it is to calculate things. But it shouldn't be, it should be ordered by conceptual complexity – how hard is it to understanding things? The computer can do the calculating."

The Beauty and Power of Mathematics   

William Tavernetti • TEDxUCDavis
"Math is everywhere. And for that reason, math is especially good at making connections."

"In mathematics, not only do we have numbers and we have geometry, but we also have equations, and when we compare the equations of things, this gives us yet another way in which things can be connected."

Achieve the Core   

Coherence Map
The Coherence Map shows the connections between Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
  • Build student understanding by linking together concepts within and across grades.
  • Identify gaps in a student's knowledge by tracing a standard back through its logical pre-requisites.
  • Visualize and understand how supporting standards relate to the major work of the grade.

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